Today is a bittersweet Sunday. Bitter, because dear friends are leaving our church to move across country; sweet, because we commissioned them to go as part of a church planting team. Bitter, because unreached people groups still exist; sweet, because they are going to share the good news with them. […]

A Bittersweet Commissioning

The 20th century has been called the Age of Migration. Presently, 232 million people live outside of their countries-of-birth. They move for different reasons. Some are relocating for a better standard-of-living and education; others are fleeing persecution, war, disease, and famine. In this episode, I speak with Dr. Enoch Wan, […]

Enoch Wan on Migration and Missions

I want to share one more photo from our time on Ellis Island. Sociologists talk of transnational migration. This simply means that movers often return to their countries of birth. This photo addresses Chinese migration to the U.S. and is a simple reminder of transnational migration. Here are some excerpts […]

Returning to China

Sarah and I celebrated our 20th anniversary earlier this month in New York. We ventured over to Ellis Island and went through the museum on immigration. If you have never been there, you need to do so. The entire island is a testimony to the outworking of Acts 17:26-27. I […]

No Place is too Far Away

Three writing resources I regularly use are WordPress for this blog, Hootsuite for scheduling many of my posts at Twitter, FB, and Linkedin, and Blubrry for hosting my podcasts (which syncs with WordPress). They are all excellent resources when it comes to scheduling blog/podcast posts and updates. I returned to […]

Discipline before Discipline

From 2006-2010, I hosted a weekly (mostly) podcast. Compared to today, fewer podcasters existed then. Blogging was king. When my site ( was being developed to host the podcast, I was asked: “Would you want to start a blog instead of doing audio?” My immediate response was, “No. Blogs are […]

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