To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation is a book I have been working on for a few years. It has been fun to write. And, Lord willing, it will be released this summer. I am very excited the time is near! Since you are a reader […]
It has been said that since Gutenberg the Christian faith has walked on “literate legs.” And while we are very thankful to have the Bible in our language, we often operate from the assumption that the majority of the world also prefers to learn through literate means. However, close to […]
Samuel Chiang on Orality and Missions Today
Ed White became the first American to conduct a spacewalk on June 3, 1965. In celebration of this fiftieth anniversary, NASA released a 30 minute documentary on spacewalks and our future journey to Mars. This is a fascinating story of innovation and progress. Of course, such is the story of […]
Progress of Gospel Advancement
I recently shared that I would be making periodic posts on writing. Here is my second such post. I started this blog over five years ago with the purpose of equipping the Church for the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches. I even put that phrase in the header. And […]
On Writing, Blogging
Traditions can be very good. We all have them. But hold some of them too tightly and they can be a challenge to necessary change. And in light of the 4 billion, we can’t hold on to some of them too tightly. Cherished traditions were once new. In all likelihood, […]
Today’s Innovations, Tomorrow’s Traditions.
The life of a Kingdom citizen is a filled with with tensions. One that is seldom addressed is what I refer to as the importance of living life with expected-awe. If God is transcendent over His universe, including the laws of nature, then His ability to do the unexpected should […]