Life in the Kingdom is filled with irony. The first is last (Matt 20:16). The greatest is like a little child (Matt 18:4). The cheek is turned (Matt 5:39). The extra mile is traveled (Matt 5:41). We should not be surprised by this Ethic. Yet, an unnecessary tension is found […]
Apostolic Church Planting
In my previous post, I shared part 1 of my lecture given at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary on the topic of apostolic church planting. The video of part 2 is posted below. Here I address some of the challenges of applying apostolic church planting strategy and methods to a post-Christianized […]
Apostolic Church Planting: Foundations and Challenges, Part 2
Language is powerful. Language communicates meaning. Language delivers theology. Language is supported by theology and language shapes theology. What we say means something–something more than just words. If I write the word “church,” you immediately have something in mind. This something may be a group of people, the called-out ones. […]
Time to Do Away with Missions?
I frequently receive requests to help others process through an apostolic approach to church planting among unreached people groups in North America. Today, I want to take the initiative and extend an invitation to mission agencies. There are nearly 1,000 US and Canadian mission agencies that call North America home. […]
An Opportunity for Your Mission Agency?
This post is the seventh in the series of how The Church at Brook Hills is sending church planters to the North American context. In case you missed them, here are the previous posts: Our Process for Sending Teams Pathway to the Field 19 Points to Ponder for Potential Church […]
Three Things to Keep in Mind when Equipping Planters for ...
I recently posted a photo on my Instagram account noting I was in the process of revising our church’s approach to assessing and equipping U.S. church planting teams. Several of you wrote and asked for a copy of what The Church at Brook Hills has been doing over the past […]