apostolic missiology

I recently had the honor of giving the Scholarly Lectures Series at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. After they asked me to speak about apostolic church planting, I was encouraged that an academic institution was interested in this important topic. It is my hope that more schools will follow their lead. […]

Apostolic Church Planting: Foundations and Challenges

  This episode of Strike the Match kicks off season 2. In this podcast, I share insights from eighteen years of training pastors in both the academy and the church. The pastor is the most important and influential person in a local church when it comes to leading that congregation […]

6 Guidelines for Training Pastors Toward an Apostolic Imagination

Evangelicals in the West, and North America in particular, generally agree that they live in a mission field. Cultural shifts and immigration have moved the boat of the Church into post-Christianized waters. Lesslie Newbigin argued this. David Bosch argued this. The Gospel and Our Culture Network argued this. The academy […]

Apostolic Structures in a Post-Christianized Context

What is apostolic missiology? Why is it important to mission in a post-Christianized context? Why does the Church in the West primarily operate from a pastoral missiology? In this episode, I address these and other questions related to mission today. Our theology shapes our missiology. Our missiology shapes our missionary […]

The Need for Apostolic Missiology

The missiology necessary to advance the gospel in a post-Christianized context is not the same as the missiology that brought us to a Christianized context. Certainly, this does not mean a complete overhaul, but rather a building upon that which has gone before. Some things must change while we return […]

Missiology of the Moment

I preach a simple gospel, but must make disciple making very complex. I support our missionaries, as long as they are pastors. I want to see more people on the field, but must restrict the flow so only the high-capacity, one-man-band, charismatic-leaders get there. I believe the local church is […]

Our Practical Oxymorons