An artist loses control over his or her work once it is released into the world. This release is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. What the masses do with the art is up to them. Will they be wise stewards with it? If they distort the original work, then who […]
Music and art have been near to my heart for years. I think this is partially because I used to play in a band and teach at a music store. While I know I am not alone, my list of channels on Pandora includes some of the most unusual and […]
Arts in Mission
Your church is not involved in church planting. How do you begin to cast such a vision to move from where you are to where you need to go? Proverbs 20:5 notes, “A plan in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it […]
Art of Vision Casting for Church Multiplication
People periodically ask about my writing methodology. While I do not consider my approach the best or that I am a great writer, I do enjoy sharing what the Lord has taught me over the years. I am not a writing teacher, my grammar and speling ain’t great, and I […]
My Approach to Writing
We live in the age of the instant. We want to know what works and we want it now. In our scientific and rationalistic world, we often attempt to make ministry a science. Such is not always the case. It is not that definite. We co-labor with a dynamic Spirit. […]