I am pleased to share my next book, Understanding Evangelism: Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, Contemporary Applications, is now available for pre-order. It is scheduled to be released in September 2025. As of now, I have been able to locate the lowest price (30% off) at the publisher’s web site. However, […]
Baker Academic
I have never officially taken time off from blogging and social media. But that is about to change, big time. Twelve years ago I entered the world of social media and simultaneously launched Missiologically Thinking. Strike the Match turns seven years old this month. And, though twelve years ago I […]
The Hiatus of Hiatuses
I interrupt my hiatus to bring this important announcement. Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today is now available for pre-order! Of all of my books, this one has been the longest in the making. Though it took about a year to write, the concepts–and title–came […]
Apostolic Imagination Available for Pre-Order
Season 5 has finally arrived! It is going to be a great one concerning missions, innovation, and Kingdom leadership! What have I been doing since Season 4? Here you go. Join me as I share about the stewardship of pilot initiatives, YouTube, mission and innovation, my next two books with […]
Season 5 – Strike the Match!
Lord willing, in just over a week from now, my next book is scheduled to be released with Baker Academic. Developing a Strategy for Missions is a work that John Mark Terry and I coauthored, hoping to fill a gap in the literature. While there have been several resources published […]
Developing a Strategy for Missions
Lord willing–this September–Baker will release the book Developing a Strategy for Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Introduction. I am delighted to share this news with you. John Mark Terry and I co-authored this book as a part of the Encountering Mission series. In this post, I want to give […]