The Fourth Lausanne Congress is underway in Seoul and released “The Seoul Statement” this week. The congress marks it origin in 1974 in Lausanne, Switzerland when John Stott and Billy Graham gathered global evangelical leaders for an “international congress on world evangelization.” Similar meetings occurred in Manila (1989) and Cape […]
Billy Graham
The image that often comes to mind whenever we hear the word “evangelist” is a Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, or George Whitefield. Maybe we think of a John Wesley or a Francis Asbury. Or, the image is that guy on the college campus stopping students on the way to classes […]
Evangelists Should Stop Spending All Their Time with Unbelievers
Forty-five years ago this week (July 16-25, 1974), 2700 participants, from 151 countries, gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland for the International Congress on Global Evangelization. This gathering was the result of a great deal of planning with much leadership provided by Billy Graham and John Stott. The desire: bring global evangelical […]
6 Contributions of the Lausanne Movement
The 1960s was a socially divided time in the United States. Birmingham, Alabama (the city in which I live) was one of the country’s most segregated and divided. A few miles from my house is the property of 16th Street Baptist Church where the horrific church bombing occurred, killing four […]