In this two-part episode, I continue the series on theology of mission with the discussion of God’s mission in Torah. Throughout these five books, God’s glory among the nations comes through three particular means: 1) A Person: Abraham; 2) A People: Israel; and 3) A Place: Tabernacle. Abraham, and Israel, […]
Psalm 67 is a passage that comes to mind whenever I think about the mission of God. Here is a wonderful text noting how God blesses His people that the nations may praise Him. An interesting concept: blessed to be a blessing. I recently had the honor to preach to […]
Being a Blessing to the Nations
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on the earth, your salving power among all nations” (Psalm 67:1-2, ESV). It is one thing to be a people with few material blessings and doing what […]
Blessings for the Peoples
Last month, I had the great privilege to preach to the brothers and sisters who identify themselves as First Baptist Church of Powell, Tennessee. Each year, they host World Missions Celebration; it was an honor to preach on Friday evening. I am so thankful for these men and women and […]