Somewhere along the way, we decided it was impossible, or at least improbable, for the Church to experience rapid numerical growth and significant sanctification. I started marking such conversations in my journey as I heard them in the United States in the early 1990s. Many of you can provide earlier […]
church growth
The further we move away from biblical language to describe our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. The further we move away from biblical models to guide our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. Without the […]
Time to Stop Talking about Missions and Church Planting?
With this post, I begin another series. This time, I am specifically writing to pastors–particularly in North America (So, if you know a few of ’em, get ’em to subscribe to this blog feed.) Pastors, the challenge from the series, if you choose to accept it: Lead your church to […]