church multiplication

Pastors, the picture you paint is the art your people will carry. If you call your people to the nations “over seas,” but fail to call them to the 360 unreached people groups living in the United States and 180 in Canada, then they will believe the unreached people groups […]

Pastors Must Paint Wisely

If the first century disciples approached disciple making and church planting with the complexity we have in the West, the gospel would have never left the Middle East. We want reach the world with the extraordinary working through complexity. But what if the way to reach the nations is not […]

Reality of Complexity, Power of the Ordinary, and 4 Billion ...

If the cultural revolutions of our age are unprecedented, then we should not be surprised that what is needed is a systemic missiological shift.  Not a theological shift from “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3, ESV), but a return to a more apostolic […]

Preparing for Nuclear War by Sharpening Our Arrows

Is it about. . . coolness being hip small groups glorifying God rental property making disciples starting a worship gathering keeping the 4 billion in mind beginning in the harvest fields marketing, mailers, and music reaching the unreached peoples developing the best web site in town preview services and grand […]

What is Church Planting to You?

Lord willing–this September–Baker will release the book Developing a Strategy for Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Introduction.  I am delighted to share this news with you.  John Mark Terry and I co-authored this book as a part of the Encountering Mission series.  In this post, I want to give […]

Strategy Development for a New Generation of Disciple Makers

One of the reasons why most churches do not participate in church planting is that they believe it to be something grandiose and outside of their reach.  Pastors often listen to the exceptional, ten-talented, high capacity church planter and assume that one must be like him to do church planting […]

Your Church is Closer to Planting than You Probably Think