“A church in the Northwest sent a married couple to a remote area to establish a minority group church. The remote area is accessible by a 10-hour drive from the couple’s church. They have been doing this work for four years and have established a church with more than 80 people […]
Church Planting
One of the temptations pastors face today is the belief that before their church can plant other churches, they need someone to send them church planters. We often believe we can’t move until someone gives us a handout. Some of this belief is tied to the ethos of parachurch entitlement. […]
Overcome the Ecclesiological Welfare System
We have better information on an unreached people group living in the Himalayas than we do on that same group living in your North American city. This is one of the reasons I wrote Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission. More and better research is needed. Research done by Global […]
The One Training Event to Attend in 2015 (no, I’m ...
No one attempts to sell real furs at a PETA convention. Members of Greenpeace do not encourage one another to support more off-shore drilling and insecticides. Members of the NRA do not make motions to stop all guns sales in the U.S. Common sense says these things do not occur. […]
Selling Furs at a PETA Convention
In this fourth post of the series, I want to share our equipping beyond the Brook Hills 7 (BH7) related to church planting teams and pastors. If you have not read the previous posts in order, it would be helpful to do so to understand the context: Share Today’s Stories […]
Equipping Planters and Pastors Beyond the Brook Hills 7
In this second post of this series, I want to share with you the foundational issues for our church’s planting and revitalization efforts. Listed below are matters we regularly preach, teach, and talk about among our leaders and our members. Without understanding these foundational issues, it is difficult to understand […]