I received a bittersweet compliment today: “I’ve been involved in church planting and always thought it had to be complex and complicated, but then I read Discovering Church Planting.” While I am honored and deeply appreciate this word, I am troubled that such a paradigm shift had to occur. If […]
Church Planting
For several years now, brothers have been coming to me asking a similar question, “Where are the greatest needs in the United States where I should plant a church?” My immediate response usually is something like: “Go to the 300,000 Indian Hindus in New York. The 60,000 Somalis in Columbus. […]
That Deer in the Headlights Look
The United States is not only one of the world’s largest countries (3rd), it also home to the third largest number of unreached people groups (a story few have heard). Over the past several years, I have noticed a very common church planting strategy that is on the minds of […]
Jesus Did not Say Wait for Pastors to Plant Churches
Is it about. . . coolness being hip small groups glorifying God rental property making disciples starting a worship gathering keeping the 4 billion in mind beginning in the harvest fields marketing, mailers, and music reaching the unreached peoples developing the best web site in town preview services and grand […]
What is Church Planting to You?
One of the reasons why most churches do not participate in church planting is that they believe it to be something grandiose and outside of their reach. Pastors often listen to the exceptional, ten-talented, high capacity church planter and assume that one must be like him to do church planting […]
Your Church is Closer to Planting than You Probably Think
I can’t read Hebrew; it is too hard. So, the professor begins his class with, “Let’s not attempt to read the book of 1 Chronicles today, but let’s start with the Hebrew alphabet.” Dad, I can’t ride your bike; it is too big. So, the father begins with, “Maybe we […]