We pastors often forget that stewardship extends beyond the realm of giving money for gospel advancement. For the longest time, we have allowed the notion of being a wise steward to be defined according to money. And while the issue of finances does exist within the jurisdiction of stewardship, stewardship […]
Church Planting
When I share the gospel with Mormons, one of the first things I do is establish our definitions. Without cutting to the chase and recognizing our definitional differences, it is difficult to then evaluate what we each believe in light of the Bible (the KJV of course!). Discussing church planting […]
When Talking About Church Planting Feels Like Witnessing to Mormons
We want to start with the extraordinary. Iron Man. The Incredible Hulk. “We want the high caliber, high capacity-type to lead this ministry. For apart from these we can do nothing. We want Superman, not the Greatest American Hero!” We want to use the extraordinary to reach the world. “If […]
When the Ordinary Does the Extraordinary
I recently spoke with a church planting leader for a particular denomination. As we talked over coffee, he inquired about the direction of our church when it comes to church planting. My response was to describe our future missionary labors in terms like we read about in Acts 13-14; 16; […]
When a Biblical Model is Viewed as Unusual
In my last few posts, I have been drawing our attentions to the recently released data regarding the 2010 U. S. Congregational Membership Report. If you are interested in catching up, see my posts HERE and HERE. Previously, I pointed out the least evangelical counties in the United States. Doug […]
Least Reached Metro Areas in the U.S.
I am very excited about an upcoming meeting sponsored by the North American Mission Board for Southern Baptist Churches and leaders in the United States and Canada. Lord willing, on July 30-31, the SEND North America Conference will take place in Atlanta with the focus being on church planting. This […]