On Monday and Tuesday of this week I was in Auburn, Alabama with a group of interns with Lakeview Baptist Church. Over the course of this semester, they took a church planting class with me. It was a blessing to be with these outstanding guys. I am a lover of […]
Church Planting
The U. S. Census Bureau recently released some important findings on the growth of our cities. The United States has been a highly urbanized country for many years. This recent information supports the reality that the urban contexts are growing at a faster rate than the rest of the nation. […]
Growth in U. S. Urban Population
One of the thoughts that often arises in the minds of missionaries as they approach a city, village, population segment, or people group is, “How in the world are WE going to reach everyone with the gospel?” When they begin asking this question, they have ceased to think like missionaries. […]
Don’t Reach Everyone with the Gospel
For too long we have been guilty of making church planting a ministry for only the high capacity, high caliber leaders. These are the individuals that I describe as the 8-, 9-, 10-caliber leaders. Now, while I am all for equipping and mobilizing such church planters (I have done this […]
Time to Enlarge the Church Planting Table
You have heard this saying before, and there is some truth in it: In Jerusalem, missions was about movement. In America, missions is about business and enterprise. I want to make a slight adjustment: In Jerusalem, missions was about simplicity (to know nothing but Christ; to preach Christ crucified). In […]
Complex King, Simple Ways
Few churches in North America are involved in church planting. I want to be involved in changing this unfortunate reality. Today, I am releasing my latest e-book Leading Your Church in Church Planting: Taking the First Steps. This 62-page work is designed to encourage and provide some guidance for pastors […]