Several days ago I began a series on the reasons why I believe that much of the mission strategy behind North American church planting is not sufficient for reaching the 75% of the unbelievers in the U. S. and Canada (est. 254,250,000 people), and over 4 billion others across the […]
Church Planting
In this second post of this series, I am continuing to discuss why I believe that most church planting strategies to reach North America are inadequate for the great task of reaching the estimated 75% (U.S.) and 88% (Canada) of lostness today (As I have written before, I believe the actual percentages […]
Strategies Must Embrace a Philosophy of Multiplication
I am beginning a series of posts on the topic of missionary strategy, particularly related to North American church planting strategies. The matter of missionary strategy is regularly on my mind. Recently, however, I have been thinking, writing, and speaking about it more frequently. My former professor and friend, Dr. […]
Most North American Church Planting Strategies are Inadequate for the ...
In this second, and final, post (see HERE for part 1), I want to provide you with some general guidelines on how to approach varying church planting models, and hopefully escape the model mania that continues to prevail in many circles. Tom Steffen’s article, “Selecting a Church Planting Model that Works” (Missiology 22 […]
Church Planting Model Mania: Part 2
In this post, I do not wish to be an alarmist, nor do I want to create a work of fiction and claim it to be a reality. I do want to be proactive and begin a conversation. For sometime, I have been concerned over something that I believe will become a […]
C5 Contextualization: Coming to a North American People Group Near ...
Lord willing, over the next few days, I will have the privilege to speak to some of the world’s most influential people: campus ministers and college students. On Saturday, I plan to be in Columbus, Ohio and on Monday and Tuesday in Louisville, Kentucky, interacting with such groups. While the […]