If you did not catch Critical Issue #5 first mentioned on February 15, you can read it HERE. Now we come to Critical Issue #4: The Challenge of Contextualization. When the church planters noted this issue they were referring to the difficulties experienced in effectively communicating the gospel and planting churches in diverse contexts. They found out that church planting […]
Church Planting
Today I begin a 5-part series of posts related to critical issues facing church planters in the United States and Canada. Several years ago, I did an informal study in which I surveyed 190 individualswho were involved in many different areas of church planting. They were from four Canadian Provinces and […]
Critical Issues in North American Church Planting: #5 Stress on ...
Cowboy church planters? Some say they go too far in contextualization, doing something avant-garde simply to draw a crowd. Others say they have taken the concept of the homogeneous unit to an extreme, only planting churches for cowboys, and then raise questions such as, “Do we then need to plant […]