Evangelicals have been asking questions related to the ministry of apostles for several years. Some of these conversations have been unhealthy and unhelpful while others have been edifying and resulting in Kingdom advancement. Do apostles exist today? If so, who is an apostle? If so, are they different from the […]
Church Planting
The concept of church multiplication movements is often discussed in missiological circles. Kingdom citizens desire to see “the word of the Lord. . . speed ahead and be honored” (2 Thes 3:1) and for new churches to be taught the “whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Nathan Shank is my […]
Nathan Shank on Church Multiplication and Health
Evangelicals often talk about church planting. However, given the way most people speak about church planting and apply such methods to the field, I wonder if a great deal of evangelicals either prefer to avoid biblical guidelines when it comes to this ministry or simply do not know of the […]
Where Do Churches Come From?
Kingdom stewardship is not only related to the use of finances. It is related to everything we have received from the King (e.g., time, passions, gifts, opportunities, power, wealth). Will we bury what has been provided, or will we put it to use in a manner reflective of Kingdom wisdom? […]
Strategic Stewardship and Missions in the West
Lord willing, I will be at Urbana later this month. And many of you will be there too. I am scheduled to speak from 2:00-3:00, on December 29 (America’s Center, rooms 223-224) on the topic of church planting among unreached people groups in the West. Here is some more info. […]
At Urbana
I am scheduled to speak to a group of pastors tomorrow in St. Louis. These brothers are in the process of leading their churches in church planting. Since this meeting is obviously on my heart at the moment, I want to direct you to a post I wrote earlier this […]