Evangelicals often talk about church planting. However, given the way most people speak about church planting and apply such methods to the field, I wonder if a great deal of evangelicals either prefer to avoid biblical guidelines when it comes to this ministry or simply do not know of the […]
Music and art have been near to my heart for years. I think this is partially because I used to play in a band and teach at a music store. While I know I am not alone, my list of channels on Pandora includes some of the most unusual and […]
Arts in Mission
The language of the Church exists in two locations: 1) within the established contexts; and 2) within the pioneer fields. One is the language of age-related maturity, structure, great organization, highly educated leadership, and comes with time. The other is the language of new believers who recently self-identified as a […]
When Speaking of Ecclesiology…Remember the Context
Kingdom stewardship is not only related to the use of finances. It is related to everything we have received from the King (e.g., time, passions, gifts, opportunities, power, wealth). Will we bury what has been provided, or will we put it to use in a manner reflective of Kingdom wisdom? […]
Strategic Stewardship and Missions in the West
We decided a couple of years ago to have a church-wide day of prayer and fasting, and continue this practice once per quarter. We fast for 24 hours and pray. On that particular evening, the church gathers for a time of corporate prayer. No gathering is exactly like previous gatherings. […]
Corporate Fasting and Prayer
I have been a member of the Evangelical Missiological Society for many years. And if you are not a member, now is a great time to join. Pastors, this is especially true for you. As a pastor, I find EMS to be a very valuable asset to my ministry and […]