
Apostolic Imagination was published twelve months ago. As with most books, it takes time for word to spread and people to add a new piece of literature to their reading lists. Most authors take time to reflect on their works with more and deeper reflection the farther they move away […]

8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination

Language is powerful. Language communicates meaning. Language delivers theology. Language is supported by theology and language shapes theology. What we say means something–something more than just words. If I write the word “church,” you immediately have something in mind. This something may be a group of people, the called-out ones. […]

Time to Do Away with Missions?

In January, I wrote an article for Evangelical Missions Quarterly titled, “Seven Pillars for a Missional Culture.” Much of what we do as The Church at Brook Hills is supported by these pillars. While I will not reproduce the full article here, I will mention the seven pillars. (If you […]

7 Pillars for a Missional Culture

This post concludes my three-part series (part 1, part 2) on the early Moravians. Today I draw attention to some of the places they served and elements of their missionary methods. The Moravians had a global vision and acted upon it. Missionary activity was not something they simply discussed; it […]

Early Moravians, Where and How? (Part 3)

The culture of tomorrow is a result of how we live and lead today.  This applies to our families, our mission agencies, and our churches.  Our daily death to self and ongoing filling with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) is essential for now–and Lord willing–the future. Leaders are culture sculptors.  Though […]

How are You Using Your Chisel?