The International Organization for Migration (IOM) periodically releases the World Migration Report, one the most important studies on global migration. They just released the 2020 findings. Download the 500 page book for free HERE. A few numbers from the report: The number of international migrants is estimated to be 272 […]
disciple making
I started this “Apostolic Imagination: Re-Thinking Missions” series earlier this year. I am presently writing a book with Baker Academic titled Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Contemporary Missions, and wanted to share some of my thoughts with you before its publication. Context is king. In case you missed the previous posts, I’ll […]
Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Location
Forty-five years ago this week (July 16-25, 1974), 2700 participants, from 151 countries, gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland for the International Congress on Global Evangelization. This gathering was the result of a great deal of planning with much leadership provided by Billy Graham and John Stott. The desire: bring global evangelical […]
6 Contributions of the Lausanne Movement
Contextualization is vital to Kingdom labors. A great deal of energy and effort is expended every year among missiologists and missionaries who discuss this topic. And I do not believe we should ever cease talking about it. No one is culturally neutral. All of our disciple making methods and strategies […]
Reducing the Stumbling Block before THE Stumbling Block
Steve Addison is my guest in this final episode of season 4. Whether the conversation is about disciple making movements or church planting/multiplication movements, missionary conversations often revolve around the topic of movements. Steve is an expert on this topic. And we need to hear from him. Steve is the […]
Steve Addison on the Rise and Fall of Movements
We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. We all have our influences. For me, that person was Charles Brock. On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, Charles passed away. The obituary may be found HERE. I was introduced to Charles and his missiology and thoughts on church […]