I shall keep this post brief. The past several days have been most challenging and an emotional roller coaster. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and given about a year to live–assuming chemo treatments. She has yet to decide whether she will participate in such therapy. Please pray for us […]
An artist loses control over his or her work once it is released into the world. This release is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. What the masses do with the art is up to them. Will they be wise stewards with it? If they distort the original work, then who […]
Don’t Kill the Artist
“If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I want to follow Him,” the Saudi student responded. “Do you understand what that could mean for you,” Gary asked. “If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I am willing to die for Him.” This conversation took place between […]
Preparing Others for the Death Penalty
We now come to the final post in this series on discipleship and church planting. I want to encourage you church planters to write and publish more in this area. Excellent resources are greatly needed for teaching people obedience in the community of a new church with new believers. I […]
Discipleship and Church Planting: Part 6-Return Them to the Field ...
I once watched a television program about a particular bird that was raised in captivity and never knew its mother. The scientists who nurtured the animal did all they could to imitate the mother bird, even using bird puppets to feed it. When the time came to reintroduce the creature […]
Discipleship and Church Planting: Part 5-Teach Healthy Disciplines as Soon ...
The previous posts in this six-part series can be found here: Part 1-Set the Example Part 2-Keep it Simple Part 3-Begin at the Individual Level Teaching obedience does not require complex paradigms, diagrams, and charts. It does not require advanced degrees. It does require us to know our people, to […]