Language is powerful. Language communicates meaning. Language delivers theology. Language is supported by theology and language shapes theology. What we say means something–something more than just words. If I write the word “church,” you immediately have something in mind. This something may be a group of people, the called-out ones. […]
Discovering Church Planting
The most critical issue in church planting circles today is an ecclesiological issue. How you answer the question, “What is a church?” will affect everything you do on the field. It will shape your methods, strategy, team, leaders, goals, and how you measure effectiveness–to mention a few matters. It was […]
Most Critical Issue in Church Planting
During the Southern Baptist Convention last week, International Mission Board President, David Platt, made reference to the Moravians in his message (see 1h 34m). I was very encouraged to hear him reference their model (The Moravians were referenced over the years when he was serving The Church at Brook Hills, […]
Who were those Moravians? (Part 1)
Last month I shared a glimpse of the cover of one of two books I’m publishing this year. I am extremely excited that Apostolic Church Planting is now available for pre-order. This is my third work on the topic of church planting which builds from the foundational work established in […]
New Church Planting Book
I wanted to give you an update on my book Apostolic Church Planting. As I shared in February, this work is scheduled to be released with InterVarsity Press in October or November. IVP is wanting to release it before Urbana, and I totally agree. I received this rough draft of […]
Apostolic Church Planting
If you caught my most recent interview with the guys at Salty Believer or my recent tweets, then this post will not come as a surprise. I am working on three books for this year–two are already written, one I am presently editing. I am incredibly excited about each of […]