Do you really? That’s what these guys say. Understanding context is important to our labors. Peoples are shaped and defined by cultures. While biblical prescriptions are ultimate, contextualization is crucial to what we do. When the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (John 1:14), God contextualized Himself as never […]
Discovering Church Planting
I recently wrote a post on the importance of doing our homework on upgs living in our neighborhoods. A failure to do this research is poor stewardship. Such omissions often mean we end up pouring more resources and people into reaching reached people groups. In this post, I want to […]
Knowing Utah: Another Excellent Example
I received a bittersweet compliment today: “I’ve been involved in church planting and always thought it had to be complex and complicated, but then I read Discovering Church Planting.” While I am honored and deeply appreciate this word, I am troubled that such a paradigm shift had to occur. If […]
Can They Hear Through the Complexity?
In this second, and final, post (see HERE for part 1), I want to provide you with some general guidelines on how to approach varying church planting models, and hopefully escape the model mania that continues to prevail in many circles. Tom Steffen’s article, “Selecting a Church Planting Model that Works” (Missiology 22 […]
Church Planting Model Mania: Part 2
I am about to enter into two intensive weeks of summer classes. Next week, I plan to be teaching Church Planting Models, followed by Church Multiplication Strategies. Since my models class is on my mind at the moment, I have decided to do a couple of posts on the topic. We live in […]
Church Planting Model Mania-Part 1
The Matthean account of the Great Commission commands us to make disciples, baptize, and teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded. While you have read on this blog that church planting, as modeled in the Scriptures, is evangelism that results in new churches, I want to begin this six-part series addressing […]