This year’s theme of the Evangelical Missiological Society is “Ecclesiology and Mission.” While I am writing this post for my EMS friends (or those on the cusp of joining), I want to encourage all readers to check out the society’s site and consider if this is a group for you […]
When churches are unable to meet on their properties, ecclesiology suddenly trends in a radically biblical direction. After the sanctuary is flooded, the pastor tells the people the church is not the building. The worship center burns to the ground, but the pastor informs the news reporter the church is […]
“Since Your Church is Closed, be the Church” (2 Hezekiah ...
When C. Peter Wagner published his 1990 book, Church Planting for a Greater Harvest, he included these famous words: “The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.” The reality is this “truth” was not true in 1990 and it is not true today. Can church planting be […]
Church Planting is not the Single-Most Effective Evangelistic Methodology
In my previous post, I shared part 1 of my lecture given at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary on the topic of apostolic church planting. The video of part 2 is posted below. Here I address some of the challenges of applying apostolic church planting strategy and methods to a post-Christianized […]
Apostolic Church Planting: Foundations and Challenges, Part 2
If you are asking the question, “Can my church change?”, then you are asking the wrong question. And there is a great deal of energy spent in asking the wrong questions today. Stop asking this question. Your church will change. If you do nothing, your church will change. If you […]
Your Church Will Change
The reporter made this horrific statement on the news today: “The church was completely destroyed by fire. . . .” What!? That’s terrible. Knowing the median worship attendance in the US is 75, I had a mental image of at least 75 people being burned simultaneously. Check Twitter. What? Nothing […]