The call to be a pastor in the post-Christianized West is a call to stand on a bridge between two worlds. The great need of the hour is to know the present, see the potential, and call church planters to move to a possible future. The great need of the […]
Ephesians 4:11-12
We know the world is filled with rapid change. We often say, “change is the only constant.” Since such is the case, we should expect our ministry positions to change with time. They are in a state of evolution with shifting contexts. However, many leaders do not recognize this matter. […]
Evolution of Your Position
One of my greatest blessings has been the opportunity to complete two theological degrees. Closely related to this blessing was when I served as a college and seminary professor. I am pro-formal theological education. I am thankful for the academy. I continue to serve as an adjunctive professor. However, one […]
On Theological Education
The way we train others is often limited to a cognitive approach. This is most unfortunate. Such a model limits learning, retention, iteration, evaluation, and neglects a most vital aspect of learning–experience. This limitation should not surprise us. We imitate what we know, and we know what has been modeled […]