This episode ends season 8 of Strike the Match. Revelation not only concludes the New Testament, but takes readers back into the Old Testament. John draws deeply from Torah and the Prophets to provide a vision of what was and is to come. Churches were struggling to remain faithful to […]
The Pauline literature is a deep reservoir of information related to God’s mission in the world. I continue in this episode with the discussion of mission in the Pauline Literature. Here we encounter additional sub-themes of how God brings blessing to the nations with: 1) A Plan – Planting Local […]
Mission in the Pauline Epistles – Part 2
Missiologists and mission agencies operate from two unreached people group lists: 1) global unreached people groups; and 2) global unengaged-unreached people groups. The global unreached people group list receives a high strategic priority when it comes to global disciple making. The global unengaged-unreached people group list receives an even higher […]
Needed: The Most Urgent Unreached List
I have been thinking about the relationship between eschatology, history, and unreached people groups. And I want to share a thought with you–one that I’m not hearing elsewhere (However, I’m sure someone out there has been thinking this as well.). We know that representatives of all peoples will be around […]
A Question We Need to Ask about the Unengaged
The past is always better. It just got messed up along the way. If this or that would not have happened, then everything would be okay. I got a bad deal. [REPEAT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE] This is the Uncle Rico Syndrome. It freezes us to a moment […]
Uncle Rico Syndrome
Eschatology-the study of last things–is extremely important to the health of the Church. As Kingdom citizens, we know that the Bible has much to say about people’s eternal state, the return of Christ, the end of the world as we know it, and how we should live in light of […]