Patrick Johnstone’s leadership has been very significant among evangelicals for many years. It is a delight to have Patrick as my guest on this episode of Strike the Match. We discuss the history of Operation World, his latest books (Pray for the World, The Future of the Global Church, and Serving God […]
Evangelicals love stories. We greatly delight in hearing what the Spirit is doing in local churches and across the world. Such reporting is encouraging and biblical (Acts 14:27). We love missionary biographies. In fact, I’m reading The Life of David Brainerd at the moment. The Church needs stories about ministry […]
When There are No Stories
To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation is a book I have been working on for a few years. It has been fun to write. And, Lord willing, it will be released this summer. I am very excited the time is near! Since you are a reader […]
New Book: To the Edge
This post is not a critique of either Kenya, her government, her churches, or refugee camps. It is a reminder that windows for gospel advancement may only remain open for a season. According to the 7th edition of Operation World, Kenya has the highest percentage of evangelicals in the world […]
Move when the Window is Open
I greatly appreciate the work of the Pew Research Center. They recently released a very important study: “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050.” This work is filled with a great deal of information. For example, by 2050, the global Muslim population will nearly equal the global Christian […]
World Religions Growth Projections 2010-2050
Yemen has been in the news a great deal for the past several months. However, global attention recently has been raised to a new level with some asking if the crisis is about to spark a regional war. If you need a summary of what is happening, check out this […]