
Evangelicals love stories. We greatly delight in hearing what the Spirit is doing in local churches and across the world. Such reporting is encouraging and biblical (Acts 14:27). We love missionary biographies. In fact, I’m reading The Life of David Brainerd at the moment. The Church needs stories about ministry […]

When There are No Stories

To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation is a book I have been working on for a few years. It has been fun to write. And, Lord willing, it will be released this summer. I am very excited the time is near! Since you are a reader […]

New Book: To the Edge

This post is not a critique of either Kenya, her government, her churches, or refugee camps. It is a reminder that windows for gospel advancement may only remain open for a season. According to the 7th edition of Operation World, Kenya has the highest percentage of evangelicals in the world […]

Move when the Window is Open

I greatly appreciate the work of the Pew Research Center. They recently released a very important study: “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050.” This work is filled with a great deal of information. For example, by 2050, the global Muslim population will nearly equal the global Christian […]

World Religions Growth Projections 2010-2050

Yemen has been in the news a great deal for the past several months. However, global attention recently has been raised to a new level with some asking if the crisis is about to spark a regional war. If you need a summary of what is happening, check out this […]

Remembering Yemen

This week I’m at the Multiply Louisiana conference in New Orleans.  I promised everyone I would post the slides from my plenary session and breakouts. While some of the slides will not make sense outside of the conference context, I am making these available to you as well.  In the […]

Presentations from Multiply Louisiana