
“God cannot lead you on the basis of facts you do not have,” so noted Ralph Winter in an editorial written on January 1, 2007.  While I do not completely agree with this statement–God is not limited by my ignorance–there is a good deal of truth to be found here.  […]

Unreached Peoples in the West-Part 2

One year ago, I launched this blog with a new study that I had completed on evangelical concentrations in the United States and in Canada.  You can find the report HERE and the PowerPoint presentation HERE.  Over the past twelve months, I have received emails from individuals, churches, and at […]

Evangelicals in the U. S. and Canada–Revisited

In light of the fact that today is Canada Day, I am interrupting the two-part series that I just started on church planting models.  July 1 is the day when Canadians celebrate the birth of their country.  While thinking of our northern neighbor, I decided to take a moment to share with […]

Canada Day and a Glimpse at Canada’s Metro Contexts

As promised, I wanted to provide some commentary to the initial study posted on January 14.  While I’ll offer more related posts later, I wish to begin by stating we must do more up-to-date and better research.  If you have not downloaded the report and the corresponding Power Point presentation, you can check […]

Reflections Part 1: Evangelicals Must Do Better Research

Here is the study I just completed related to the concentrations of Evangelicals in the U. S. and Canada.  You need BOTH the report and the PowerPoint presentation. WHY THIS STUDY? The Spirit uses good research to guide missionary strategy To show the need for up-to-date studies and call Evangelicals to conduct […]

From 35,000 to 15,000 Feet: Evangelical Statistics in the U.S. ...