Today, July 22, is J. I. Packer’s birthday. For most of you, I do not need to introduce this brother. However, HERE and HERE are some links related to him, if you desire. Like many of you, I have been influenced by Packer’s writings. My introduction to him came through […]
Contextualization is vital to Kingdom labors. A great deal of energy and effort is expended every year among missiologists and missionaries who discuss this topic. And I do not believe we should ever cease talking about it. No one is culturally neutral. All of our disciple making methods and strategies […]
Reducing the Stumbling Block before THE Stumbling Block
All evangelism is important but all evangelism is not equal. There is a difference between a church having an evangelistic invitation (e.g., altar call) during a worship gathering and a church sending members to share the gospel with unreached people groups. Yet, most people would say both of these churches […]
All Evangelism is not Equal
I recently wrote an article for Facts and Trends on reaching the strangers next door. Check it out. Here is a list of 8 guidelines to help you get started in reaching the unreached people groups living around you. I noted these in the article. Take them, apply them, and […]
8 Guidelines for Reaching the Strangers Next Door
People periodically ask about my writing methodology. While I do not consider my approach the best or that I am a great writer, I do enjoy sharing what the Lord has taught me over the years. I am not a writing teacher, my grammar and speling ain’t great, and I […]
My Approach to Writing
Robert Coleman has been a personal blessing to me and has influenced my thinking. I’m certain many of you are able to say the same thing. He is the author of several books, but best known for one in particular. The Master Plan of Evangelism has a 1963 copyright and […]