I had the opportunity to meet some of the guys with SpreadTruth. They stopped by campus to talk with a few professors about a new discipleship training resource called “The Story.” “The Story” is an excellent way to train people in personal evangelism. In fact, it is one of the […]
This week I begin a semester-long training course for church planters. I always look forward to it. One of the first things that the participants experience is that I quickly tell them that our work is not about church planting. Now, I recognize this is a strange statement for a […]
It’s not about Church Planting
When I wrote Evangelism: A Biblical Response to Today’s Questions, I wanted to produce a book that would be a valuable resource to local churches. I desired to create something that pastors would be willing to share with their church members. (We do not need to go to the statistical […]
Small Group Discussion and Evangelism
I now return after the longest hiatus from blogging since I started this thing last year. The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy with teaching, speaking and preaching engagements, and writing deadlines. I’m thankful to be back…writing about The End. It is now two days after the false […]
The Day After The Day After
When I started Missiologically Thinking one year ago, I knew that I was going to be writing for a niche within the Evangelical sub-culture. Over the past year, however, I have discovered that there are more folks reading my posts than just the group of believers for whom I desired […]
Is the Gospel on Your Blog?
As promised, I am posting today on my next book. Evangelism: A Biblical Response to Today’s Questions is scheduled to be released in early February. In this book, I attempt to answer thirty-three of the most commonly asked questions regarding this great responsibility. I felt that a work was needed […]