We have better information on an unreached people group living in the Himalayas than we do on that same group living in your North American city. This is one of the reasons I wrote Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission. More and better research is needed. Research done by Global […]
Global Research
This is the second post in the series that I’m doing on my forthcoming work Pressure Points: Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church. While popular evangelical conversations and strategy shifts related to “unreached people groups” can be traced to 1974, the reality is that thirty-nine years later this […]
Pressure Point #1 Unreached Peoples
One of the convictions we share as a pastoral staff team serving The Church at Brook Hills is the need to integrate the worlds of domestic and international. Believing it to be biblical, we try to operate from a missiology that blurs the lines between home and abroad, domestic and […]
106 Representatives of Unengaged-Unreached Peoples in the United States
The term “unengaged” is a recent label developed to assist with our Great Commission task. According to Global Research, a people group is described as unengaged “when there is no church planting methodology consistent with Evangelical faith and practice under way. A people group is not engaged when it has […]