This is the best possible scenario. There is no better way. Never has been. Never will be. Lord Kelvin (a physicist) once stated there was nothing new to be discovered in physics. Any future endeavors would only produce more specific measurements. After this declaration, Einstein set forth his theory of […]
Great ideas develop from collaboration not through privatization. Remember, victory may be found in an abundance of counselors (Prov 24:6), not a lone ranger. Counselors (plural) are able to provide healthy guidance to a people (Prov 11:14). Great ideas develop in community not isolation. Great ideas are developed by an […]
Origin of Gospel Advancing Ideas
We hear stories from the corporate world about research and development departments, including large sums of money spent on keeping everything a secret until the product is ready for release. Corporate spies, insider information, classified documents, and top secret information are constantly matters of concern. Such is not the way […]
Share Today’s Stories Later Today
My family and I just returned from a spring break trip to Washington D. C.. We spent the week riding the rails and buses across the city seeing the sites that the tourists are supposed to see. My favorite stop was the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I have […]
Strike the Match
One of the thoughts that often arises in the minds of missionaries as they approach a city, village, population segment, or people group is, “How in the world are WE going to reach everyone with the gospel?” When they begin asking this question, they have ceased to think like missionaries. […]
Don’t Reach Everyone with the Gospel
When I started Missiologically Thinking one year ago, I knew that I was going to be writing for a niche within the Evangelical sub-culture. Over the past year, however, I have discovered that there are more folks reading my posts than just the group of believers for whom I desired […]