Our Lord’s commission came with the expectation to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19). He desires that we “bear fruit” (John 15:5). He is pragmatic; and we should be too. Given the great needs of the world and the limited resources we have received, stewardship is a must. How do we leverage […]
Life in the Kingdom is filled with irony. The first is last (Matt 20:16). The greatest is like a little child (Matt 18:4). The cheek is turned (Matt 5:39). The extra mile is traveled (Matt 5:41). We should not be surprised by this Ethic. Yet, an unnecessary tension is found […]
Simplicity of Depth
Though much of my twenty years in vocational ministry has been connected to the local church, I have also been significantly involved in parachurch (i.e., alongside of, not in competition with the local church) ministries. Even extending back to my college days, campus ministry was a major part of my […]
Evolution not Dissolution of the Parachurch
If being a leader means violating Kingdom principles to accomplish a Kingdom goal–even a greater goal–then I will refrain from being a leader. This is something you must determine in your heart, no matter what “success” you observe in the world–or the Church. One of the great tragedies in the […]
Temptation of Bleating and Lowing
A stewardship of innovation exists within the Kingdom. We often do not think in such terms or recognize this responsibility we have received. If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then change should be expected. We do not innovate for the sake of […]
Stewardship of Kingdom Innovation
We enjoy celebrating Kingdom successes: record high for baptisms, new ministries started, attendance goals surpassed, etc. However, leaders must be prepared for the controversy that sometimes accompanies Kingdom success. The Old Testament told of the salvation of the peoples in the last days. Jesus commissioned and sent His church into […]