Philosophy advocates if something is true, then the opposite of that something is false. Such is the law of non-contradiction in the realm of logic. While the present mood pushes against this longstanding value (“only a Sith deals in absolutes”), much of society wants such to be true but refuses […]
Kingdom Ethic
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity” (Psalm 133:1, ESV). No one enjoys conflict, especially the kind that comes with others on your team. That kind of conflict really hurts. While we do not like it, it will come. No team is immune to conflict. […]
5 Practices When Responding to Team Conflict
There is a law of diminishing returns. It is a law of this world. It is not of the Kingdom. Too many leaders are paralyzed by it and don’t know it. There comes a time when the amount of effort and energy put into what you are trying to accomplish […]
Are You Captive to the Law of Diminishing Returns?
We often equate the testing of boundaries with the acts of deviant children. “My child is testing the boundaries to see if he will get disciplined.” “She is pushing her boundaries, and I will not stand for that!” And, yes, whenever such actions and thoughts push against divinely-established parameters (e.g., […]
The Stewardship of Questioning the Boundaries
We’re no longer going to believe that if God wants the heathen saved, then He’ll do it without us. We’re going to use means. We’re no longer going to work only along the coastlines; we’re moving to the interiors of these countries. We’re no longer going to build mission stations; […]
Two Steps Few Leaders Take
I received a bittersweet compliment today: “I’ve been involved in church planting and always thought it had to be complex and complicated, but then I read Discovering Church Planting.” While I am honored and deeply appreciate this word, I am troubled that such a paradigm shift had to occur. If […]