If the first century disciples approached disciple making and church planting with the complexity we have in the West, the gospel would have never left the Middle East. We want reach the world with the extraordinary working through complexity. But what if the way to reach the nations is not […]
Kingdom stewardship
Dreaming as a Kingdom citizen is important. This is not a futile humanistic exercise. It is an opportunity to use our God-given missiological-imaginations as we prayerfully consider God’s Word, God’s world, and our responsibilities as Kingdom citizens. However, if you are always dreaming and never developing and executing strategy, then […]
Perpetual Dreamers Wake-Up to Nightmares
No one attempts to sell real furs at a PETA convention. Members of Greenpeace do not encourage one another to support more off-shore drilling and insecticides. Members of the NRA do not make motions to stop all guns sales in the U.S. Common sense says these things do not occur. […]
Selling Furs at a PETA Convention
What do we do when we don’t know what to do? We do more of what we have been doing. Such is not the way of wise Kingdom stewards. To do more of what we know is safe. It is comfortable. It fits with our longstanding systems, organizations, strategies, and […]
More of What We Know
HERE is one of the most important sites on the Web when it comes to church planting. This site does not get into this category because it is about New York unreached peoples (though that makes it extremely valuable), nor is it all that because it is connected to Global […]
Church Planting? One of the Most Important Sites on the ...
As a younger Gen Xer, I am old enough to remember the 8-track tape. With my formative years being in the 80s and early 90s, I later spent a small fortune on cassettes. Yes, I even had a few albums and 45s, but could never figure out why I would […]