If you are a regular here or have read To the Edge, then you know I believe strongly in Kingdom innovation. Such is a matter of wise stewardship. Churches and mission leaders acknowledge their ministry challenges and need to overcome them. However, I am surprised by the low number of […]
We all know the limitation to this statement. We are quick to say this describes those who do not practice what they preach. It describes the hypocrite, the sloth, the uncaring. I agree, to a degree. However, while there is much value and wisdom in modeling and following one’s example, […]
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
One reason churches do not participate in church planting is because they believe it is beyond their abilities. And I would agree that church planting is beyond most churches as long as we use the typical western definition of church planting. When we turn to the Scriptures, we do not […]
Your Church is Closer to Planting than You Think
The culture of tomorrow is a result of how we live and lead today. This applies to our families, our mission agencies, and our churches. Our daily death to self and ongoing filling with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) is essential for now–and Lord willing–the future. Leaders are culture sculptors. Though […]
How are You Using Your Chisel?
Imagine life without the ubiquitous @. It is not hard to do, if you can think back to the late 80s and early 90s. Twitter was non-existent, and email was scarce. Oh sure, the accountants of the world were used to that symbol. It had much value to them: “at […]