
Twenty years ago I published an article in the Journal of the American Society for Church Growth titled “The Art of Vision Casting for Church Multiplication.” Last month, I was reminded of this perennial challenge when speaking to a class at Regent University. One student inquired about how to lead […]

5 Steps in Casting a Vision for Church Multiplication

The stewardship of innovation includes an awareness of reality. Therefore leading for innovation requires an awareness of concerns among members of churches and organizations. Here is my list of nine beliefs that keep evangelicals from valuing innovation. 1) Innovation is unbiblical – The first disciples did not innovate. 2) We […]

9 Defeater Beliefs that Keep Evangelicals from Innovation

If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change. Also, we live in a world where change is constant. And with change, we encounter ministry barriers. It is here that leaders must lead with innovation. Throughout history, the Church has […]

Ted Esler and the Innovation Crisis

Entrepreneur posted a helpful article today. Generation Z, born between 1995-2010, comprise 20% of the workforce. This percentage will increase, for many remain students. Those of us leading Gen Z and working to develop them into leaders need all the help we can get. 🙂 Here are 6 important things […]

6 Characteristics of Gen Z

I remember when it was. Don’t you? I am not certain when Black Friday became a week. Just a few years ago, Black Friday began late Thursday night (maybe we switched to a lunar calendar). Then it moved to sometime after everyone ate Turkey, had a nap, and needed to […]

I Thought Black Friday was a Day