Imagine life without the ubiquitous @. It is not hard to do, if you can think back to the late 80s and early 90s. Twitter was non-existent, and email was scarce. Oh sure, the accountants of the world were used to that symbol. It had much value to them: “at […]
leadership development
For too long we have been guilty of making church planting a ministry for only the high capacity, high caliber leaders. These are the individuals that I describe as the 8-, 9-, 10-caliber leaders. Now, while I am all for equipping and mobilizing such church planters (I have done this […]
Time to Enlarge the Church Planting Table
Earlier this week I was doing missionary training in Auburn, Alabama. It was a great blessing to work with a wonderful group of guys who have a heart for planting churches across North America, and throughout the world. One of our sessions included an extensive discussion on rasing up leaders […]
Raising Leaders from the Harvest and for the Harvest
In my last post on leadership development, I addressed the fact that many of us are looking toward unhealthy paradigms for equipping others. This problem should not surprise us. We reproduce what we know, and we know what has been modeled before us. And what is often set before us […]
Leadership Development: You Are What You Eat–And You Reproduce It ...
I remember a Public Service Announcement that would air on television whenever I would get home from elementary school. It was this crazy 60-second cartoon of a strange character who would remind kids to eat healthy food. His jingle included the phrase “You are what you eat from your head […]
Leadership Development: You Are What You Eat–and You Reproduce It ...
I have known Neil for several years. I first met him when I invited him to Louisville several years ago to lead a church planting conference. I first encountered his writings through Bob Logan–the two of them co-authored Raising Leaders for the Harvest, way back in 1997 (I think). BTW, […]