Lesslie Newbigin once stated, “there is no higher priority for the research work of missiologists than to ask the question of what would be involved in a genuinely missionary encounter between the gospel and this modern Western culture.” While Newbigin’s words and work led the Church to claim the “West […]
Lesslie Newbigin
Evangelicals in the West, and North America in particular, generally agree that they live in a mission field. Cultural shifts and immigration have moved the boat of the Church into post-Christianized waters. Lesslie Newbigin argued this. David Bosch argued this. The Gospel and Our Culture Network argued this. The academy […]
Apostolic Structures in a Post-Christianized Context
“In great areas of Asia, Africa, and Oceania, the church grows steadily and even spectacularly. But in the areas dominated by modern Western culture (whether in its capitalist or socialist political expression) the church is shrinking and the gospel appears to fall on deaf ears. It would seem, therefore, that […]