Many believers are found in the Majority World. And many migrate. Many people from unreached people groups migrate as well. And even many believers who migrate are representatives of unreached people groups. If you need an opportunity to teach your people about the migration of the nations, then know that […]
Majority World
There is much in the Bible that addresses the topic of shame (referenced more than twice as often as the notion of guilt). This is good news as we labor among the 4 billion! For most of the world is not as individualistically-oriented as we in the West. Matters such […]
Werner Mischke and The Global Gospel
Any missiologist worth his or her salt is a student of both God’s Word and God’s world. He keeps his ear to the rail and sometimes hears rumblings others will not hear for years to come (e.g., the recent NPR story noting the value of using “Majority World,” a label […]
Missiologists, Canaries in the Mine
Marv Newell is an author and the Senior Vice President for MissioNexus. I’ve known Marv for several years and always enjoy being with him. He is a sharp thinker and good friend. Last month, he wrote a very good article that provided some guidelines on how North Americans should relate […]
8 Cautions When Partnering with Majority World Believers
One of the encouraging issues I address in my forthcoming book Pressure Points: Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church is that of the growth of the Church in the Majority World (Majority World commonly refers to the non-Western world, where the number of peoples and believers are […]