I recently spent some time with a friend who has been involved in church planting activities. His denomination financially supported his ministry. However, he recently declined such financial support because he believed some of the methodological expectations required unhealthy theological and missiological compromises. “The one who pays the piper picks […]
An artist loses control over his or her work once it is released into the world. This release is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. What the masses do with the art is up to them. Will they be wise stewards with it? If they distort the original work, then who […]
Don’t Kill the Artist
When C. Peter Wagner published his 1990 book, Church Planting for a Greater Harvest, he included these famous words: “The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.” The reality is this “truth” was not true in 1990 and it is not true today. Can church planting be […]
Church Planting is not the Single-Most Effective Evangelistic Methodology
If we recognize we must now serve lunch at 7AM, then we come to the conclusion: We must change the way we prepare others to serve in our blurred world. Church planting training cannot remain as it is. Pastoral training cannot remain as it is. Seminary education cannot remain as […]