A couple of days ago I shared with you the latest U. S. data on the peoples who migrated to the largest metro areas of this country. In this post, I want us to take a step back and get a wider view of what is presently taking place among […]
A very important report was released yesterday from Brookings titled “Immigrants in 2010 Metropolitan America: A Decade of Change,” by Jill H. Wilson and Audrey Singer. You can read the full report HERE. While U. S. immigration during the first decade of the 21st century was slower than that observed […]
Immigrant Changes in 100 Largest U. S. Metro Areas
On Sunday I had the honor of speaking to the great group of people known as Boone’s Creek Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. They were having their annual “Neighbors to the Nations” event. I am thankful for the pastor, Dr. Matthew Perry and his heart to reach others with the […]
Neighbors to the Nations
My next book, Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Missions Opportunity, is scheduled to be released with Biblica in March 2012. While I have shared a few matters on Twitter, I want use today’s post to provide you with some detailed information that can’t be included in 140 characters. This […]
Update on the Strangers Next Door
Today is May 5–Cinco de Mayo. This day commemorates May 5, 1862, when an outnumbered Mexican army won a victory over the French. In light of this historic day, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some information regarding the Mexicans living in the United States. The […]
Cinco de Mayo and the Great Commission Opportunity
First, Tunisia, then Egypt, then Bahrain, now today it is Libya. These are unique times, days that mark turning points in world history. While the unrest unfolds in North Africa and the Middle East, may we continue to pray for the peoples there. Reports have already been coming out […]