You have heard me state on numerous occasions research is important. The use of the God-given tools we have to understand God’s world is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. We must be BOTH students of God’s Word AND His world. A great deal of my work over the years has […]
I recently shared that the Send Institute was hosting a week-long webinar on the topic of North American missiology in a post-pandemic context. It was a great week of conversations. I am honored to serve with this diverse group. If you missed the event, you may find the recordings HERE. […]
Leveraging the Moment to Rethink Long-Term Church Planting
Here is a live stream event you do not want to miss. Next week, seventeen missiologists with the Send Institute will address near-term, mid-term, and long-term matters related to the following topics: Relaunching Decentralized Churches Holistic and Locally Present Engagement Gospel and Culture in the Twenty-first Century Church Planting Churches […]
Post-Pandemic Missiology for North America
Dr. Steven Rutt has written the definitive works on Roland Allen. And both of these books were published in 2018. Roland Allen: A Missionary Life is an outstanding biography on the man behind such books as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. And […]
Steven Rutt on Roland Allen’s Life and Work
An artist loses control over his or her work once it is released into the world. This release is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. What the masses do with the art is up to them. Will they be wise stewards with it? If they distort the original work, then who […]
Don’t Kill the Artist
Seventy-one years ago today, Anglican priest and missionary, Roland Allen passed away. He authored numerous articles and books including, Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes which Hinder It. He lived through the Boxer Uprising in China at the turn of […]