In January, I wrote an article for Evangelical Missions Quarterly titled, “Seven Pillars for a Missional Culture.” Much of what we do as The Church at Brook Hills is supported by these pillars. While I will not reproduce the full article here, I will mention the seven pillars. (If you […]
Evangelicals in the West, and North America in particular, generally agree that they live in a mission field. Cultural shifts and immigration have moved the boat of the Church into post-Christianized waters. Lesslie Newbigin argued this. David Bosch argued this. The Gospel and Our Culture Network argued this. The academy […]
Apostolic Structures in a Post-Christianized Context
I am writing this post at the conclusion of July 20, 2010. It is amazing that I have been able to go throughout my entire day, even watching the news this morning, and not hear of any mention of the fact that on July 20, 1969 man first walked on […]