If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change. Also, we live in a world where change is constant. And with change, we encounter ministry barriers. It is here that leaders must lead with innovation. Throughout history, the Church has […]
Dr. Ted Esler recently became the new President and CEO of MissioNexus. Ted joins me in conversation this week on Strike the Match. We spend time talking about his background as a church planter and an administrator. MissioNexus is the largest network of evangelical mission agencies and church partners in […]
Ted Esler of MissioNexus
Mission agencies have always faced challenges. However, the 21st century has brought some unique challenges to agencies headquartered in North America. In episode 15, I speak with Dr. Steve Moore, Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Leadership. Steve is an author and formerly served as the President of […]
Steve Moore on Challenges Facing Mission Agencies
Marv Newell is an author and the Senior Vice President for MissioNexus. I’ve known Marv for several years and always enjoy being with him. He is a sharp thinker and good friend. Last month, he wrote a very good article that provided some guidelines on how North Americans should relate […]
8 Cautions When Partnering with Majority World Believers
Last week, I was in Atlanta speaking at the North America Mission Leaders Conference sponsored by MissioNexus. Their network membership and annual conference registration lists read like a Who’s Who of North American mission agencies and mission leaders. If you and your organization are not connected with them, then I […]
Globalization and the Pressure Points of Our Age–Presentation
The MissioNexus Church Connection Tour wraps up today in Atlanta. It has been a wonderful time discussing migration and mission in Baltimore, Los Angeles, Toronto, Chicago, and Atlanta. I have been encouraged by the turnout from churches, networks, and mission agencies, representing a variety of evangelical denominations and non-denominational traditions. […]