Season 3 of Strike the Match begins with this post! Be sure to subscribe (iTunes, Android, RSS) so you will not miss an episode! Ramadan 2017 begins Friday, May 26. I thought it would be appropriate to begin our third season talking with Dr. John Klaassen about Islam and reaching […]
Here is an interesting article from NPR on the refugee crisis in Europe. This one, however, addresses Muslims converting to Christianity–some to avoid being sent home, others experiencing repentance and faith. Check it out. It is worth your time and thought on an important issue today. ———- Apostolic Church Planting […]
Refugee Conversions in Europe
We are living in a time when the greatest number of Muslims are coming to faith. Last year, David Garrison noted this reality in his book A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is Drawing Muslims around the World to Faith in Jesus Christ. David traveled over 250,000 […]
Muslim Movements to Christ
Last week, the Pew Research Center released an extensive report on the future populations of different world religions. Though there is troubling information here, this is a fascinating work providing a sobering reality of our world. Here are a few of the projections from 2010-2050: In the United States, Christians […]
Growth Projections of World Religions
I recently returned from Dearborn, Michigan, part of Metro Detroit. This community is home to the largest concentration of Arab Muslims in the United States, many of which are from Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. During our time there, we visited three mosques and spoke with several long-term residents in the […]
A Reflection on Dearborn
When it comes to reaching Muslims with the love of Jesus, few individuals are as widely known as Dr. Phil Parshall. He has an international reputation as both a missiologist and a missionary. I found him to be a gracious gentleman who loves Jesus and loves Muslims. Recently, Phil gave me […]