The country is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups, behind India and China. Most church planting in the country is among reached people groups who already have numerous evangelical churches among them. The country is approximately 26% evangelical and has about 280 unreached people groups. What […]
North America
My guest in this episode is Bryan Galloway, Senior Researcher for the Diaspora Peoples Initiative of the International Mission Board. We discuss his forthcoming book Reaching the Nations: Carefully Examine, Naturally Encounter, and Intentionally Engage Diaspora Peoples. If you are looking for a guide on how to understand and reach […]
Bryan Galloway on Reaching the Nations
It was wonderful to be at the Reaching the Nations Summit this past weekend. It was a blessing to meet some new people and reconnect with old friends. If you were not there, I hope you took advantage of the livestream link I shared on social media. As promised to […]
348 Unengaged-Unreached People Groups in North America
I frequently receive requests to help others process through an apostolic approach to church planting among unreached people groups in North America. Today, I want to take the initiative and extend an invitation to mission agencies. There are nearly 1,000 US and Canadian mission agencies that call North America home. […]
An Opportunity for Your Mission Agency?
This is the third post in my series on how The Church at Brook Hills is preparing and sending church planting teams to North America. I encourage you to read the previous two posts. They likely will answer questions that may come from reading this post. As promised in my […]
19 Points to Ponder for Potential Church Planters
In case you missed it: The Reaching the Nations in North America Conference took place several days ago. HERE is Seth Brown’s article at Baptist Press. Thank you, Seth; and thank you BP for posting this. This was an important moment in the life of my denomination. The event was […]