Since Barrett and Johnson told us only 0.1% of Christian monies collected goes toward the unevangelized world, Evangelicals in the U. S. have rightly cried “inappropriate!” Their stat preaches well. This number makes for passionate blog posts. It will rally the troops. Yes, we need to reallocate our international expenses, […]
North America
Several days ago I began a series on the reasons why I believe that much of the mission strategy behind North American church planting is not sufficient for reaching the 75% of the unbelievers in the U. S. and Canada (est. 254,250,000 people), and over 4 billion others across the […]
The Ecclesiological Conundrum
While I have posted many times on urban issues, I want to turn our attention today to the rural regions of the United States and Canada. For it is here that we find over 65 million people, comprising about 20% of the population in both countries. The rural areas of North America still […]
Rural Missions in North America
In this post, I do not wish to be an alarmist, nor do I want to create a work of fiction and claim it to be a reality. I do want to be proactive and begin a conversation. For sometime, I have been concerned over something that I believe will become a […]
C5 Contextualization: Coming to a North American People Group Near ...
As we continue together in the realm of thinking missiologically about our world, from time to time I will be blogging about different groups that are laboring for Kingdom expansion throughout the world. In April, I am scheduled to speak at the Association of North American Missions Leadership Forum. Since these brothers […]