Patrick Johnstone’s leadership has been very significant among evangelicals for many years. It is a delight to have Patrick as my guest on this episode of Strike the Match. We discuss the history of Operation World, his latest books (Pray for the World, The Future of the Global Church, and Serving God […]
Operation World
I am pleased to share with you that Developing a Strategy for Missions (co-authored with John Mark Terry) is now available in Korean. When I served as a seminary professor at Southern Seminary from 2002-2012, I was both surprised and delighted to see the number of first generation Korean students […]
Developing a Strategy for Missions–Korean Edition
This post is not a critique of either Kenya, her government, her churches, or refugee camps. It is a reminder that windows for gospel advancement may only remain open for a season. According to the 7th edition of Operation World, Kenya has the highest percentage of evangelicals in the world […]
Move when the Window is Open
I want to point you to a valuable resource, one of few related to reaching the unreached nations among us. Ethnic Embrace USA is a book that you will want to add to your collection. Part information, part devotional, part prayer guide, this book turns our focus to several of […]
Ethnic Embrace USA
It is often good for leaders to refrain from sharing everything. Some things need to remain untold. However, when the omission relates to the magnificent, tongues must be loosened and lips unbridled. This is the tale that is critical to reality, and deserves dissemination to a wide audience. When leaders […]