We have better information on unreached people groups living in the most remote places of the world than we do of those same groups living in the United States and Canada. We know the world; we do not know our neighborhood. I recently spoke with Dr. Bryan Galloway, Senior Research […]
We have better information on an unreached people group living in the Himalayas than we do on that same group living in your North American city. This is one of the reasons I wrote Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission. More and better research is needed. Research done by Global […]
The One Training Event to Attend in 2015 (no, I’m ...
Recently, I attended the Southeast Regional Evangelical Missiological Society in Columbia, South Carolina. It was here I presented a paper that Bryan Galloway and I coauthored: “More than Strangers Next Door. . . Our Neighbors: The PeopleGroups.info Initiative to Research the Nations within the United States.” If you are not […]